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We deliver custom solutions to help you create better web pages. You can find lots of tools that help you with page design and layout. We go beyond this by helping you understand and organise your content. Design and layout are very important, but the content is what really counts.

The demo shows the main concepts in the manifestos of the four main political parties in the 2024 UK general election. You can view them as maps (best for larger screens) or browsers (best for 'phones and other small screens).

Each map shows the central concept and the main subsidiary ones that support it. Each browser starts with the main concept and lets you navigate through the subsidiary ones. You can see the key quotes in the source material for each concept.

Maps Browsers

UK Party Manifestos 2024

This demo of our knowledge organisation technology shows concept maps created from the 2024 manifestos of:

It is primarily intended for authors and content creators, to showcase the power of natural language processing technology to help them.

You can see how well the manifesto authors have delivered content that reflects their parties' objectives. The authors are professional communicators and, as you would expect, they have generally done a good job. But there are some interesting differences that might give them food for thought.

Some Points of Comparison

Here are three of the differences that you can see by viewing the concepts.

Overall Vision

The central concepts in the Labour, Liberal Democrats and Reform manifestos are vision statements, while the central concept in the Conservative manifesto is a list of plans in specific areas. The authors of the Conservative manifesto might want to think about whether they could have done more to bring out the party's vision. (Their concept map does have a Vision concept, but it is not the central concept, and it is not a single idea, but a list of ideas.)

User Engagement

All the concepts in the Conservative and Reform manifestos relate to party policies, but this is not the case for Labour or the Liberal Democrats. The analysis program does not filter out material that is outside the main topic areas. (A later version could do this.) The Liberal Democrats manifesto includes "concepts" relating to form submission for downloading the manifesto and registering for updates. The Labour manifesto includes "concepts" related to being actively involved in supporting the party. (The Liberal Democrats manifesto does have buttons for users who want to join the party and become active, but only on one page, so they don't have enough weight to make it into the concept map. Labour has their calls to get involved on pretty much every page. The analysis program weighs concepts by "column inches".) All the authors might want to think about how far their manifesto should invite user engagement, and what kinds of user engagement they want.

Level of Detail

The Reform manifesto has more concepts than any of the others. This is not because their manifesto is longer. It is about a quarter of the size of the Conservative manifesto, for example. The smaller concepts are more sharply distinguished. This may be because there are fewer words to describe them.

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