Soda API

The Soda API

Soda has a REST API that gives web clients access to its facilities. This page gives some general information about the API, followed by descriptions of the commands that the API can execute. 



API methods are invoked by sending HTTP GET or POST requests to the API URL, which is /home/.api relative to the base URL of the Soda installation. For example, for a Soda system installed at the API URL would be Note that the protocol MUST be https, not http.

The HTTP request has a command parameter that defines what processing is to be performed, and may optionally also have a sodaapp parameter that identifies a Soda application that will do the processing, a plugin parameter that identifies a block plugin to handle block-related processing, or a sodaplugin parameter that identifies a view plugin to handle view-related processing. A POST request other than invoke_agent can also have an auth parameter giving authorizarion information. Depending on the command, the request may have other parameters giving further information. The command, sodapp, plugin and sodaplugin parameters are always passed as application/x-www-form-urlencoded query strings in the URL. The auth parameter is always passed as a multipart/form-data body part in the body of the request. In GET requests, any other parameters are also passed as application/x-www-form-urlencoded query strings. In POST requests other than requests to Execute Virtual Data Lake Commands, to invoke an agent (see below) or to perform an authorized get request (see below), parameters other than the command parameter and the sodaapp parameter are passed as multipart/form-data body parts in the body of the request.

Commands that are not processed by Soda applications are described on this page. To invoke them, omit the sodaapp parameter. Commands that are processed by Soda applications are described on the pages for the applications.

If the request succeeds (HTTP response code 200) then any data returned as the content of the response is a text string, a piece of HTML text, or the textual representation of a JSON object or array.

Virtual Data Lake Requests

The API enables the client to query and update the virtual data lake using the query and update commands. The client HTTP requests for these commands have a particular form. They are POST requests with multipart form encoded content conveying a set of values, optionally some metadata, optionally a reference URL, and optionally a one-time key. They do not have application/x-www-form-urlencoded query string parameters other than command.

  • One of the parts is named json and is a utf-8 string representation of a JSON object. For each parameter there is an attribute of this object whose name is the parameter's name.
  • Each non-binary value is represented by a JSON object with two attributes: type and value. They give the type of the object, which may be ITEM, BOOLEAN, INTEGER, REAL or TEXT, and a string representation of its value.
  • Each binary value is represented in the request by a value of the JSON object that is a string of the form bn where n is an integer. There is then a part named bn with application/octet-stream encoding that contains the binary value. 
  • If metadata is supplied, then there is a part named meta that contains it. 
  • If a reference URL is supplied, then there is a part named refurl that contains it. 
  • If a one-time key is supplied, then there is a part named one-time-key that contains it.


There are two ways that an API request can be authorized.

  1. It can be made within an authorized session. This is a session in which a user has logged in, established their identity, and successfully claimed to work at a particular access level. The request is processed at this access level. Such a request is typically made by a script executing in the user's web client.
  2. The request parameters can include a valid credential and key supplied in the auth parameter. The request is processed at the access level associated with the credential. Such a request is typically made by a program that is not executing under direct control of a user.

Add Block

Add an empty block to a page at the end of a set of blocks.





Other Parameters

  • page - the identifier of the page that will contain the block
  • blocks - the identifier of the set of blocks on the page that the block is to be added to
  • width - the block width
  • app - the app that displays the content of the block. This parameter need not be present. If it is absent, the block content consists of text, graphics, and views.
  • auth - a string representation of a JSON object containing a credential attribute whose value is the item identifier of a credential, and a key attribute whose value is the base-64 encoding of a key for the credential. Not required if the request is made in an authorized session.


If the request succeeds a status of 200 is returned and the response is the HTML code of the div containing the block, with views expanded.

If the request is recognized but the content cannot be posted (for example because the session does not have access permission) an appropriate HTTP status code  is returned and the response is a JSON object with one attribute:

  • error - a message describing the problem.

If the request is not recognized, for example because a parameter is missing, a status of 400 is returned.

Authorized Get Request

Perform an API call that could be invoked by an HTTPS GET request, possibly outside an authorized session. Authorization can be supplied in the request parameters. If authorization is not supplied then the request is performed at the lowest (public) level. Any API method described on this page that can be invoked by an HTTP GET request can be invoked by an Authorized Get Request.





Other URL-Encoded Parameters

  • authorized_command - the command to be processed
  • the parameters taken by the authorized command

Multipart Form Data Parameters

The following can be supplied to authorize the request:

  • auth - a string representation of a JSON object containing a credential attribute whose value is the item identifier of a credential, and a key attribute whose value is the base-64 encoding of a key for the credential. Not required if the request is made in an authorized session.


The response returned by the authorized command.

Copy Source Workspace

Copy a workspace of a source (not a subworkspace of another workspace)  to another source or to a workspace in the same or another source.





Other Parameters

  • page - the identifier of the page on which the workspaces of the source are displayed
  • view - the identifier of the view showing the workspaces
  • segment - the identifier of the row of the view showing the workspace
  • targetparent - the identifier of the item representing the source or workspace to which the workspace is to be copied.
  • targetname - the name that the copied workspace is to have.
  • auth - a string representation of a JSON object containing a credential attribute whose value is the item identifier of a credential, and a key attribute whose value is the base-64 encoding of a key for the credential. Not required if the request is made in an authorized session.


If the request succeeds a status of 200 is returned.

If the request is recognized but the content cannot be posted (for example because the session does not have access permission) an appropriate HTTP status code  is returned and the response is a JSON object with one attribute:

  • error - a message describing the problem.

If the request is not recognized, for example because a parameter is missing, a status of 400 is returned.

Copy Workspace Member

Copy a member of a workspace (a page, view, file or sub-workspace) to another workspace, or to the same workspace with another name or, if it is a sub-workspace, to create a main workspace of a source.





Other Parameters

  • page - the identifier of the page on which the workspace members are displayed
  • view - the identifier of the view showing the workspace members
  • segment - the identifier of the row of the view showing the member
  • targetparent - the identifier of the item representing the workspace to which the member is to be copied or, if it is a sub-workspace to be copied to a source, the identifier of the item representing te source.
  • targetname - the name that the copy is to have in the target workspace.
  • auth - a string representation of a JSON object containing a credential attribute whose value is the item identifier of a credential, and a key attribute whose value is the base-64 encoding of a key for the credential. Not required if the request is made in an authorized session.


If the request succeeds a status of 200 is returned.

If the request is recognized but the content cannot be posted (for example because the session does not have access permission) an appropriate HTTP status code  is returned and the response is a JSON object with one attribute:

  • error - a message describing the problem.

If the request is not recognized, for example because a parameter is missing, a status of 400 is returned.

Create Item

Create an item.





Other Parameters

  • source - the identification number of the source containing the item
  • pub - whether the item is to be public. If true, the item is created with the public access level, otherwise it is created with the access level of the requesting session.
  • auth - a string representation of a JSON object containing a credential attribute whose value is the item identifier of a credential, and a key attribute whose value is the base-64 encoding of a key for the credential. Not required if the request is made in an authorized session.


If the request succeeds a status of 200 is returned and the response is a JSON object with one attribute:

  • item - the identifier of the created item. For example: { "item": "1_-9223372036854775772" }

If the request is recognized but the content cannot be returned an appropriate HTTP status code  is returned and the response is a JSON object with one attribute:

  • error - a message describing the problem.

If the request is not recognized, for example because a parameter is missing, a status of 400 is returned.

Create Triple

Create a triple that does not already exist. If a triple with the given subject, verb, and object already exists, no action will be taken and the request will succeed. Otherwise, an attempt will be made to create a triple with the given subject, verb, and object, and the request will succeed if the triple is created.





Other Parameters

  • subject - the identifier of the item that is to be the subject of the triple
  • verb - the identifier of the item that is to be the verb of the triple
  • object_type - the type of the object of the triple: ITEM, BOOLEAN, INTEGER, REAL, TEXT, or BINARY
  • object - the object of the triple. How it is represented depends on its type. ITEM objects are represented by their identifiers. True BOOLEAN objects are represented by "true" (ignoring case); false boolean objects are represented by any other values. INTEGER and REAL objects are represented by their base 10 textual representations. TEXT objects are represented by text strings. BINARY objects are represented by byte arrays.
  • auth - a string representation of a JSON object containing a credential attribute whose value is the item identifier of a credential, and a key attribute whose value is the base-64 encoding of a key for the credential. Not required if the request is made in an aurgorized session.


If the request succeeds a status of 200 is returned.

If the request is recognized but the content cannot be returned an appropriate HTTP status code  is returned and the response is a JSON object with one attribute:

  • error - a message describing the problem.

If the request is not recognized, for example because a parameter is missing, a status of 400 is returned.

Create Unique Triple

Ensure that there is only one triple with the given subject and verb, and that it has the given object. If a triple with the given subject, verb, and object already exists, any other triples with that subject and verb will be deleted, and the request will succeed. Otherwise, an attempt will be made to create a triple with the given subject, verb, and object, and to delete any other triples with that subject and verb, and the request will succeed if the triple is created and the other triples (if any) are deleted.





Other Parameters

  • subject - the identifier of the item that is to be the subject of the triple
  • verb - the identifier of the item that is to be the verb of the triple
  • object_type - the type of the object of the triple: ITEM, BOOLEAN, INTEGER, REAL, TEXT, or BINARY
  • object - the object of the triple. How it is represented depends on its type. ITEM objects are represented by their identifiers. True BOOLEAN objects are represented by "true" (ignoring case); false boolean objects are represented by any other values. INTEGER and REAL objects are represented by their base 10 textual representations. TEXT objects are represented by text strings. BINARY objects are represented by byte arrays.
  • auth - a string representation of a JSON object containing a credential attribute whose value is the item identifier of a credential, and a key attribute whose value is the base-64 encoding of a key for the credential. Not required if the request is made in an authorized session.


If the request succeeds a status of 200 is returned.

If the request is recognized but the content cannot be returned an appropriate HTTP status code  is returned and the response is a JSON object with one attribute:

  • error - a message describing the problem.

If the request is not recognized, for example because a parameter is missing, a status of 400 is returned.

Delete Block

Delete a block. If the block has a draft, this is deleted also.





Other Parameters

  • block - the identifier of the block
  • auth - a string representation of a JSON object containing a credential attribute whose value is the item identifier of a credential, and a key attribute whose value is the base-64 encoding of a key for the credential. Not required if the request is made in an authorized session.


If the request succeeds a status of 200 is returned.

If the request is recognized but the block cannot be deleted (for example because the session does not have access permission) an appropriate HTTP status code  is returned and the response is a JSON object with one attribute:

  • error - a message describing the problem.

If the request is not recognized, for example because a parameter is missing, a status of 400 is returned.

Delete Block Draft

Delete the draft of a block if it has one. If the block does not have a draft, no action is taken and the request succeeds.





Other Parameters

  • block - the identifier of the block
  • auth - a string representation of a JSON object containing a credential attribute whose value is the item identifier of a credential, and a key attribute whose value is the base-64 encoding of a key for the credential. Not required if the request is made in an authorized session.


If the request succeeds a status of 200 is returned.

If the request is recognized but the draft cannot be deleted (for example because the session does not have access permission) an appropriate HTTP status code  is returned and the response is a JSON object with one attribute:

  • error - a message describing the problem.

If the request is not recognized, for example because a parameter is missing, a status of 400 is returned.

Delete Item

Delete an item.





Other Parameters

  • item - the identifier of the item to be deleted
  • auth - a string representation of a JSON object containing a credential attribute whose value is the item identifier of a credential, and a key attribute whose value is the base-64 encoding of a key for the credential. Not required if the request is made in an authorized session.


If the request succeeds a status of 200 is returned

If the request is recognized but the content cannot be returned an appropriate HTTP status code  is returned and the response is a JSON object with one attribute:

  • error - a message describing the problem.

If the request is not recognized, for example because a parameter is missing, a status of 400 is returned.

Execute Virtual Data Lake Commands

Execute a list of virtual data lake commands. 





Other Parameters

The request body is an input stream containing the UTF-8 text of a JSON array, which is passed to a Virtual Data Lake Executor.


If the request succeeds a status of 200 is returned and the response is a JSON array giving the map of values assigned to handles returned by the Executor. Each member of the array is a JSON object with three attributes:

  • name - the handle that is the key to a map entry
  • type: the type of the datum that is the value of the map entry
  • value: the value of the datum (an item identifier, boolen, number, string, or byte array, depending on the type).

If the request is not recognized, for example because the request body is not a JSON array, a status of 400 is returned.

If the request is recognized but cannot be executed, a status of 409 is returned.

Get Block Draft

Get the stored draft of a block.





Other Parameters

  • block - the identifier of the block


If the request succeeds a status of 200 is returned and the response is the HTML code of the div containing the draft of the block. If the block content is generated by an app, its format depends on the app. If it is not generated by an app, it is the HTML code to display the block content, with views expanded.

If the request is recognized but the content cannot be returned an appropriate HTTP status code  is returned and the response is a JSON object with one attribute:

  • error - a message describing the problem.

In particular, if the block does not have a stored draft, a status of 404 (not found) is returned.

If the request is not recognized, for example because a parameter is missing, a status of 400 is returned.

Get Help Text

Get the help text for a topic.





Other Parameters

  • topic - the title of the topic


If the request succeeds a status of 200 is returned and the response is the HTML code of the help text for the topic.

If the request is recognized but the content cannot be returned an appropriate HTTP status code  is returned and the response is a JSON object with one attribute:

  • error - a message describing the problem.

If the request is not recognized, for example because a parameter is missing, a status of 400 is returned.

Get Named Item

Get the identifier of a named item.





Other Parameters

  • source - the identification number of the source containing the item
  • name - the name of the item


If the request succeeds a status of 200 is returned and the response is a JSON object with one attribute:

  • item - the identifier of the named item. For example: { "item": "1_-9223372036854775772" }

If the request is recognized but the content cannot be returned an appropriate HTTP status code  is returned and the response is a JSON object with one attribute:

  • error - a message describing the problem.

If the request is not recognized, for example because a parameter is missing, a status of 400 is returned.

Get Rows From View

List the rows of a view, in display order.





Other Parameters

  • page - the identifier of a page on which a view is displayed
  • view - the identifier of the view


If the request succeeds a status of 200 is returned and the response is a JSON array of JSON objects, each of which has two attributes:

  • id - the identifier of a row
  • fields - the fields of the row.

Each fields attribute is a JSON object with two attributes:

  • name - the name of the field
  • values - the values of the field.

Each values attribute is a JSON array of objects, each of which gives a datum that is a value of the field, and has two attributes:

  • type: the type of the datum
  • value: the value of the datum (an item identifier, boolen, number, string, or byte array, depending on the type).

If the request is recognized but cannot be actioned (for example because the session does not have access permission) an appropriate HTTP status code is returned and the response is a JSON object with one attribute:

  • error - a message describing the problem.

If the request is not recognized, for example because a parameter is missing, a status of 400 is returned.

Invoke Agent

Invoke an agent to perform an action. The agent must be one that is registered in the Soda system, and the caller's access level must be superior to the access level registered for the agent.






  • request_url - the url to invoke the agent. This MUST take the form agent_URL/[action_name][:port] where action_name is a string of alphanumeric characters and port is a port number.
  • The parameters required by the agent to perform the action.

The request_url parameter is passed as an application/x-www-form-urlencoded query string in the URL The parameters required by the agent are passed as multipart/form-data body parts in the body of the request.


If the agent invocation succeeds a status of 200 is returned, and the response is the textual response returned by the agent. (Depending on the agent, this might be plain text, HTML text, the textual representation of a JSON object, or text in some other format.) If the agent invocation fails, because the agent rejects or fails to process the input, or if communication with the agent fails, a suitable error status is returned, and the response is a message describing the problem.

List Access Levels

List the access levels that are visible to the requester. The access levels are listed with their names in alphabetical order.





Other Parameters



A JSON array of objects, each with three attributes:

  • id - the identifier of an access level
  • name - the name of the identified access level
  • writable - true if the requester has write access to the access level.

List Files In Workspace

List the files in a given workspace that are visible to the requester. The files are listed with their names in alphabetical order.





Other Parameters

  • workspace - the identifier of a workspace


A JSON array of objects, each with three attributes:

  • id - the identifier of an uploaded file that is a member of the workspace
  • name - the name of the identified file
  • writable - true if the requester has write access to the file.

List Identity Providers

List the identity providers that are visible to the requester. The identity providers are listed with their names in alphabetical order.





Other Parameters



A JSON array of objects, each with two attributes:

  • id - the identifier of an identity provider
  • name - the name of the identity provider

List Images In Workspace

List the images in a given workspace that are visible to the requester. The images are listed with their names in alphabetical order. A thumbnail is supplied for each image.





Other Parameters

  • workspace - the identifier of a workspace


A JSON array of objects, each with three attributes:

  • id - the identifier of an uploaded file that is an image and is a member of the workspace
  • name - the name of the identified file
  • thumbnail - a Base64-encoded image that is a thumbnail of the identified image.

List Item Types

List the item types that are visible to the requester. The types are listed with their names in alphabetical order.
An item type is defined either a by source or by a view that defines items. For a type defined by a source, the items of the type are the named items of the source. For a type defined by a view, the items of the type are the items defined by the view.





Other Parameters



A JSON array of objects, each with two attributes:

  • id - the identifier of an item type. For a type defined by a source, this is the identifier of the source item of the source, and its source number is the long integer that identifies the source. For a type defined by a view, this is the identifier of the item that represents the view.
  • name - the name of the item type. For a type defined by a source, this is the name of the source. For a type defined by a view, it is the name of the view.

List Items of Type

List the items of a given item type that are visible to the requester, who is using a page to enter data. The items are listed with their names in alphabetical order.





Other Parameters

  • type - the identifier of an item type
  • page - the identifier of the item representing the page that the user is using to enter data


A JSON array of objects, each with two attributes:

  • id - the identifier of an item of the given type
  • name - the name of the item.

List Named Items

List the named items that are visible to the requester. The named items are listed with their names in alphabetical order.





Other Parameters



A JSON array of objects, each with two attributes:

  • id - the identifier of a named item
  • name - the name of the named item

List Pages In Workspace

List the pages in a given workspace that are visible to the requester. The pages are listed with their names in alphabetical order.





Other Parameters

  • workspace - the identifier of a workspace


A JSON array of objects, each with three attributes:

  • id - the identifier of a page that is a member of the workspace
  • name - the name of the identified page
  • writable - true if the requester has write access to the page.

List Registered Apps

List the names of the apps that are registered in the system. The names are listed in alphabetical order.





Other Parameters



A JSON array of strings, which are the names of the apps that are registered in the system.

List Sub-workspaces of a Workspace

List the sub-workspaces of a given workspace that are visible to the requester. The sub-workspaces are listed with their names in alphabetical order.





Other Parameters

  • workspace - the identifier of a workspace


A JSON array of objects, each with three attributes:

  • id - the identifier of a workspace that is a member of the workspace (and therefore a sub-workspace of it)
  • name - the name of the identified sub-workspace
  • writable - true if the requester has write access to the sub-workspace.

List View Actions

List the actions of a view that are visible to the requester. The actions are listed with their names in alphabetical order.





Other Parameters

  • view - the identifier of a view


A JSON array of strings, which are the names of the actions of the view.

List View Unknowns

List the unknowns of a view that are visible to the requester. The unknowns are listed with their names in alphabetical order.





Other Parameters

  • view - the identifier of a view


A JSON array of strings, which are the names of the unknowns of the view.

List View Unknowns and Actions

List the unknowns and actions of a view that are visible to the requester. The unknowns are listed first, with their names in alphabetical order, then the actions are listed, with their names in alphabetical order.





Other Parameters

  • view - the identifier of a view


A JSON array of strings, which are the names of the unknowns and actions of the view.

List Views In Workspace

List the views in a given workspace that are visible to the requester. The views are listed with their names in alphabetical order.





Other Parameters

  • workspace - the identifier of a workspace


A JSON array of objects, each with three attributes:

  • id - the identifier of a view that is a member of the workspace
  • name - the name of the identified view
  • writable - true if the requester has write access to the view.

List Workspace Members

List the members of a given workspace that are visible to the requester. The members are listed with their names in alphabetical order.





Other Parameters

  • workspace - the identifier of a workspace


A JSON array of objects, each with three attributes:

  • id - the identifier of a view that is a member of the workspace
  • name - the name of the identified view
  • writable - true if the requester has write access to the view.

List Workspaces

List the workspaces that are visible to the requester. All visible workspaces are listed, including workspaces that are sub-workspaces of other workspaces. The workspaces are listed with their names in alphabetical order.





Other Parameters



A JSON array of objects, each with three attributes:

  • id - the identifier of a workspace
  • name - the name of the identified workspace
  • writable - true if the requester has write access to the workspace.

Log In

Log the user in.





Other Parameters

  • provider - the identifier of the item representing the identity provider that is to establish the user's identity. This parameter must be present.
  • level - the identifier of the access level that the user should have after his identity is established. This parameter need not be present: if it is absent then the user will have the public access level.
  • auth - a string representation of a JSON object containing a credential attribute whose value is the item identifier of a credential, and a key attribute whose value is the base-64 encoding of a key for the credential. This is not usually required, as the user will be be authenticated by the identity provider when the request is processed, but will be required if the provider or level item is not publicly visible and the request is not made in an authorized session.


If the request succeeds a status of 200 is returned, and the response is a JSON object with zero or more of the following attributes. The othercontent attribute may only be present if the viewcontent attribute is present. If no attributes are present, the client should reload the page. 

  • title - text to be set as the page title.
  • viewcontent - the HTML text of the view to be displayed. 
  • othercontent - A JSON array giving HTML text to replace other page content.
  • goto - a URL from which a new page is to be loaded (this may be a redirect to an identity provider).

Each element of the othercontent array is a JSON object  with two attributes:

  • divid - the identifier of an HTML div whose content is to be replaced
  • content - the replacement HTML text.

If the request is recognized but the content cannot be posted (for example because the session does not have access permission) an appropriate HTTP status code  is returned and the response is a JSON object with one attribute:

  • error - a message describing the problem.

If the request is not recognized, for example because a parameter is missing, a status of 400 is returned.

Move Block

Move a block to a position just before another block of the same class, or to the end of the blocks of that class.





Other Parameters

  • block - the identifier of the item representing the block to be moved
  • insert_before_block - the identifier of the item representing the block that the moved block is to be inserted before, or zero if the block is to be moved to the end of the set of blocks of its class
  • auth - a string representation of a JSON object containing a credential attribute whose value is the item identifier of a credential, and a key attribute whose value is the base-64 encoding of a key for the credential. Not required if the request is made in an authorized session.


If the request succeeds a status of 200 is returned.

If the request is recognized but the block cannot be moved (for example because the session does not have access permission) an appropriate HTTP status code  is returned and the response is a JSON object with one attribute:

  • error - a message describing the problem.

If the request is not recognized, for example because a parameter is missing, a status of 400 is returned.

Move Row

Move a row of a ranked displayed view to a position just before another row of the view, or to the end of the view.

The view must be a view that defines items and have a rank unknown, whose values are integers that are the display ranks of the values of its item definition key.





Other Parameters

  • page - the identifier of the page on which the view containing the rows is displayed
  • view - the identifier of the view containing the row
  • row - the identifier of the row to be moved
  • insert_before_row - the identifier of the row that the moved row is to be inserted before, or zero if the row is to be moved to the end of the view
  • auth - a string representation of a JSON object containing a credential attribute whose value is the item identifier of a credential, and a key attribute whose value is the base-64 encoding of a key for the credential. Not required if the request is made in an authorized session.


If the request succeeds a status of 200 is returned.

If the request is recognized but the row cannot be moved (for example because the session does not have access permission) an appropriate HTTP status code  is returned and the response is a JSON object with one attribute:

  • error - a message describing the problem.

If the request is not recognized, for example because a parameter is missing, a status of 400 is returned.

Move Workspace Member

Move a member of a workspace (a page, view, file or sub-workspace) to another workspace, or to the same workspace with another name.





Other Parameters

  • page - the identifier of the page on which the workspace members are displayed
  • view - the identifier of the view showing the workspace members
  • segment - the identifier of the row of the view showing the member
  • targetworkspace - the identifier of the item representing the workspace to which the member is to be moved.
  • targetname - the name that the moved member is to have in the target workspace or source.
  • auth - a string representation of a JSON object containing a credential attribute whose value is the item identifier of a credential, and a key attribute whose value is the base-64 encoding of a key for the credential. Not required if the request is made in an authorized session.


If the request succeeds a status of 200 is returned.

If the request is recognized but the content cannot be posted (for example because the session does not have access permission) an appropriate HTTP status code  is returned and the response is a JSON object with one attribute:

  • error - a message describing the problem.

If the request is not recognized, for example because a parameter is missing, a status of 400 is returned.

Post File to Workspace

Post a file to a workspace.





Other Parameters

  • workspace - the identifier of the workspace
  • file_name - the name of the file in the workspace
  • file - the uploaded file
  • auth - a string representation of a JSON object containing a credential attribute whose value is the item identifier of a credential, and a key attribute whose value is the base-64 encoding of a key for the credential. Not required if the request is made in an authorized session.


If the request succeeds a status of 200 is returned and the response is a JSON object with one attribute:

  • link - the location of the uploaded file. For example: { "link": "/path/to/image.jpg" }

If the request is recognized but the file cannot be added (for example because a workspace member with the given name already exists) a status of 409 is returned and the response is a JSON object with one attribute:

  • error - a message describing the problem.

If the request is not recognized, for example because a parameter is missing, a status of 400 is returned.

Prepare Move Or Copy

Obtain a form for copying a source main workspace or for moving or copying a workspace member.





Other Parameters

  • segment - the identifier of the row showing the main workspace on the source home page or showing the workspace member on the workspace page.


If the request succeeds a status of 200 is returned and the response is the HTML code of a form for specifying the move or copy operation. The form will, when submitted, generate a Copy Source Workspace API request, a Move Workspace Member API request, or a Copy Workspace Member API request,.

If the request is recognized but cannot be actioned (for example because the session does not have access permission) an appropriate HTTP status code is returned and the response is a JSON object with one attribute:

  • error - a message describing the problem.

If the request is not recognized, for example because a parameter is missing, a status of 400 is returned.


Perform a virtual data lake query.

The request is passed to the virtual data lake, and the response returned by the virtual data lake is returned to the caller. They are as defined for the Virtual Data Lake API.





Save Block Draft

Save a draft of a block.





Other Parameters

  • block - the identifier of the block
  • content - if the block content is generated by an app, its format depends on the app. If it is not generated by an app, it is the HTML code to display the block, with view specifications instead of expanded views.
  • width - the block width
  • auth - a string representation of a JSON object containing a credential attribute whose value is the item identifier of a credential, and a key attribute whose value is the base-64 encoding of a key for the credential. Not required if the request is made in an authorized session.


If the request succeeds a status of 200 is returned.

If the request is recognized but the draft cannot be saved (for example because the session does not have access permission) an appropriate HTTP status code  is returned and the response is a JSON object with one attribute:

  • error - a message describing the problem.

If the session has public access level, which will happen if it has expired due to inactivity, a status of 403 is returned with the error message "Not logged in".

If the request is not recognized, for example because a parameter is missing, a status of 400 is returned.

Set Access Level

Set the user's access level.





Other Parameters

  • level - the identifier of the access level to be set.
  • auth - a string representation of a JSON object containing a credential attribute whose value is the item identifier of a credential, and a key attribute whose value is the base-64 encoding of a key for the credential. Not required if the request is made in an authorized session.


If the request succeeds a status of 200 is returned, and the response is a JSON object with zero or more of the following attributes. The othercontent attribute may only be present if the viewcontent attribute is present. If no attributes are present, the client should reload the page. 

  • title - text to be set as the page title. 
  • viewcontent - the HTML text of the view to be displayed. 
  • othercontent - A JSON array giving HTML text to replace other page content.

Each element of the content array is a JSON object  with two attributes:

  • divid - the identifier of an HTML div whose content is to be replaced
  • content - the replacement HTML text.

If the request is recognized but the content cannot be posted (for example because the session does not have access permission) an appropriate HTTP status code  is returned and the response is a JSON object with one attribute:

  • error - a message describing the problem.

If the request is not recognized, for example because a parameter is missing, a status of 400 is returned.

Source Connect

Connect a source





Other Parameters

  • source - the identifier of the row showing the source on the sources page.
  • auth - a string representation of a JSON object containing a credential attribute whose value is the item identifier of a credential, and a key attribute whose value is the base-64 encoding of a key for the credential. Not required if the request is made in an authorized session.


If the request succeeds a status of 200 is returned.

If the request is recognized but cannot be actioned (for example because the session does not have access permission) an appropriate HTTP status code is returned and the response is a JSON object with one attribute:

  • error - a message describing the problem.

If the request is not recognized, for example because a parameter is missing, a status of 400 is returned.

Source Disconnect

Disconnect a source





Other Parameters

  • source - the identifier of the row showing the source on the sources page.
  • auth - a string representation of a JSON object containing a credential attribute whose value is the item identifier of a credential, and a key attribute whose value is the base-64 encoding of a key for the credential. Not required if the request is made in an authorized session.


If the request succeeds a status of 200 is returned.

If the request is recognized but cannot be actioned (for example because the session does not have access permission) an appropriate HTTP status code is returned and the response is a JSON object with one attribute:

  • error - a message describing the problem.

If the request is not recognized, for example because a parameter is missing, a status of 400 is returned.


Perform a virtual data lake update.

The request is passed to the virtual data lake, and the response returned by the virtual data lake is returned to the caller. They are as defined for the Virtual Data Lake API.





Update Block

Update a block by changing its content or width.





Other Parameters

  • block - the identifier of the block
  • content - if the block content is generated by an app, its format depends on the app. If it is not generated by an app, it is the HTML code to display the block, with view specifications instead of expanded views.
  • width - the block width
  • auth - a string representation of a JSON object containing a credential attribute whose value is the item identifier of a credential, and a key attribute whose value is the base-64 encoding of a key for the credential. Not required if the request is made in an authorized session.


If the request succeeds a status of 200 is returned and the response is the HTML code of the div containing the block, with views expanded.

If the request is recognized but the content cannot be posted (for example because the session does not have access permission) an appropriate HTTP status code is returned and the response is a JSON object with one attribute:

  • error - a message describing the problem.

If the request is not recognized, for example because a parameter is missing, a status of 400 is returned.

View Add

Add data using a view.

Note that, as well as adding data shown by user-defined views, this method can add sources, source workspaces, and workspace members, which are shown by the sys/sources view, the sys/workspaces view, and the sys/workspace-members view.





Other Parameters

  • page - the identifier of the page on which the view is displayed
  • view - the identifier of the view. This will either be the identifier of the item that represents the view, or a string such as "unknowns" or "constraints" identifying a system view.
  • segment - the identifier of the part of the view that is to have data added to it. This might for example identify a set of fields that are to have values added in a tabular view that does not require all fields to have values. It may be null if there is only one part of the view that can have data added to it.
  • auth - a string representation of a JSON object containing a credential attribute whose value is the item identifier of a credential, and a key attribute whose value is the base-64 encoding of a key for the credential. Not required if the request is made in an authorized session.
  • data values - the data values to be added using the view. The name of each such parameter is the name of a field of the view prefixed by "val". (This avoids conflict in case a field is named "page", "block", etc.)


If the request succeeds a status of 200 is returned, and the response is a JSON object with zero or more of the following attributes. The othercontent attribute may only be present if the viewcontent attribute is present. If no attributes are present, the client should reload the page. 

  • title - text to be set as the page title. 
  • viewcontent - the HTML text of the view to be displayed. 
  • othercontent - A JSON array giving HTML text to replace other page content.

Each element of the othercontent array is a JSON object  with two attributes:

  • divid - the identifier of an HTML div whose content is to be replaced
  • content - the replacement HTML text.

If the request is recognized but cannot be actioned (for example because the session does not have access permission) an appropriate HTTP status code is returned and the response is a JSON object with one attribute:

  • error - a message describing the problem.

If the request is not recognized, for example because a parameter is missing, a status of 400 is returned.

View Delete

Delete data using a view.

Note that, as well as deleting data shown by user-defined views, this method can delete sources, source workspaces, and workspace members, which are shown by the sys/sources view, the sys/workspaces view, and the sys/workspace-members view.





Other Parameters

  • page - the identifier of the page on which the view is displayed
  • view - the identifier of the view. This will either be the identifier of the item that represents the view, or a string such as "unknowns" or "constraints" identifying a system view.
  • segment - the identifier of the part of the view that is to have data deleted. This might for example identify a row of a tabular view or a set of fields in a row. It MUST clearly define which values are to be deleted. It can only be null if the view has only one set of values that can be deleted.
  • auth - a string representation of a JSON object containing a credential attribute whose value is the item identifier of a credential, and a key attribute whose value is the base-64 encoding of a key for the credential. Not required if the request is made in an authorized session.


If the request succeeds a status of 200 is returned, and the response is a JSON object with zero or more of the following attributes. The othercontent attribute may only be present if the viewcontent attribute is present. If no attributes are present, the client should reload the page. 

  • title - text to be set as the page title. 
  • viewcontent - the HTML text of the view to be displayed. 
  • othercontent - A JSON array giving HTML text to replace other page content.

Each element of the othercontent array is a JSON object  with two attributes:

  • divid - the identifier of an HTML div whose content is to be replaced
  • content - the replacement HTML text.

If the request is recognized but cannot be actioned (for example because the session does not have access permission) an appropriate HTTP status code is returned and the response is a JSON object with one attribute:

  • error - a message describing the problem.

If the request is not recognized, for example because a parameter is missing, a status of 400 is returned.

View Edit

Update data using a view.

Note that, as well as updating data shown by user-defined views, this method can update sources, source workspaces, and workspace members, which are shown by the sys/sources view, the sys/workspaces view, and the sys/workspace-members view.





Other Parameters

  • page - the identifier of the page on which the view is displayed
  • view - the identifier of the view. This will either be the identifier of the item that represents the view, or a string such as "unknowns" or "constraints" identifying a system view.
  • segment - the identifier of the part of the view that is to have data updated. This might for example identify a row of a tabular view or a set of fields in a row. It MUST clearly define which values are to be replaced by the posted values. It can only be null if the view has only one set of values that can be updated.
  • auth - a string representation of a JSON object containing a credential attribute whose value is the item identifier of a credential, and a key attribute whose value is the base-64 encoding of a key for the credential. Not required if the request is made in an authorized session.
  • data values - the updated data values to be posted using the view. The name of each such parameter is the name of a field of the view prefixed by "val". (This avoids conflict in case a field is named "page", etc.)


If the request succeeds a status of 200 is returned, and the response is a JSON object with zero or more of the following attributes. The othercontent attribute may only be present if the viewcontent attribute is present. If no attributes are present, the client should reload the page. 

  • title - text to be set as the page title. 
  • viewcontent - the HTML text of the view to be displayed. 
  • othercontent - A JSON array giving HTML text to replace other page content.

Each element of the othercontent array is a JSON object  with two attributes:

  • divid - the identifier of an HTML div whose content is to be replaced
  • content - the replacement HTML text.

If the request is recognized but cannot be actioned (for example because the session does not have access permission) an appropriate HTTP status code is returned and the response is a JSON object with one attribute:

  • error - a message describing the problem.

If the request is not recognized, for example because a parameter is missing, a status of 400 is returned.

View Prepare Add

Obtain a form for adding data using a view





Other Parameters

  • page - the identifier of the page on which the view is displayed
  • view - the identifier of the view. This will either be the identifier of the item that represents the view, or a string such as "unknowns" or "constraints" identifying a system view.
  • sodawritelevel - the identifier of the access level that a user must have in order to change data using the view.
  • segment - the identifier of the part of the view that is to have data added to it. This might for example identify a set of fields that are to have values added in a tabular view that does not require all fields to have values. It may be null if there is only one part of the view that can have data added to it.
  • sodaviewselector - a parameter that can be set as a page assignment to affect the view display.


If the request succeeds a status of 200 is returned and the response is the HTML code of a form for entry of the data. The form will, when submitted, generate a view_add API request.

If the request is recognized but cannot be actioned (for example because the session does not have access permission) an appropriate HTTP status code is returned and the response is a JSON object with one attribute:

  • error - a message describing the problem.

If the request is not recognized, for example because a parameter is missing, a status of 400 is returned.

View Prepare Edit

Obtain a form for updating data using a view





Other Parameters

  • page - the identifier of the page on which the view is displayed
  • view - the identifier of the view. This will either be the identifier of the item that represents the view, or a string such as "unknowns" or "constraints" identifying a system view.
  • sodawritelevel - the identifier of the access level that a user must have in order to change data using the view.
  • segment - the identifier of the part of the view that is to have data updated. This might for example identify a row of a tabular view or a set of fields in a row. It MUST clearly define which values would be replaced by posted values. It can only be null if the view has only one set of values that can be updated.
  • sodaviewselector - a parameter that can be set as a page assignment to affect the view display.


If the request succeeds a status of 200 is returned and the response is the HTML code of a form for entry of the data. The form will, when submitted, generate a view_edit API request.

If the request is recognized but cannot be actioned (for example because the session does not have access permission) an appropriate HTTP status code is returned and the response is a JSON object with one attribute:

  • error - a message describing the problem.

If the request is not recognized, for example because a parameter is missing, a status of 400 is returned.